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FilmmakersFilmmakers 2024

The Filmmaker Four: Clare Macdonald

By April 29, 2024No Comments

Clare is an award-winning film director and writer. Selected to prestigious schemes, such as Canneseries Writers Club, Annecy Film Festival Residency, Directors UK Inspire Mentorship and Joan Scheckel Filmmaking Labs, their films have won awards and nominations at Bafta- and Oscar-qualifying festivals globally, including LSFF, Aesthetica, Underwire, New Filmmakers LA, Hollyshorts, Raindance and more. Clare is a graduate of Oxford and NFTS (Star of Tomorrow Award), founder member of Cinesisters and co-founder of Cinesisters Newsletter. Clare teaches and runs workshops at LFS as well as making award-winning advertising. Clare is currently developing scripts for features and series, including their debut feature set in France.

What it the title of your film in BIFF 2024?
A Wait

What was your first experience with film and how did it influence your first project?
Growing up I was very much not allowed access to media so when I arrived at university I watched films as I found them, which allowed me to be very free in developing my taste and aesthetics. When I shot my first film, I took inspiration from Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs which had a huge impact on me when I saw it – I couldn’t believe I hadn’t actually seen the ear thing happen on screen because it’s not actually shown but I felt like I had. It made me think about how you make what you don’t show have as much intention and impact as what you do. This was a liberating discovery and a discipline I think.

Who is (are) your favorite filmmakers?
The list would be too long and inevitably inaccurate as I am always discovering new works and falling in love all over again. Anyone who has made a film has achieved an extraordinary thing, transforming thoughts and energy into shared experience. My personal criteria change a lot but I guess I am looking for that moment when a film hits you in the gut in some way.

What are you working on that no one knows about?
I am working on a feature film set in France, which, unusually for me, is in French. I grew up in France and it’s exciting to be drawing on those experiences.

Who Would Play You In A Movie?
Well, I guess it depends how things go, right? If I had a time machine, I’d go for the magical Judy Garland. If we have to be sensible about it, definitely Meryl Streep.

What’s Your Go To Movie Snack?
Popcorn. Sweet and Salty mix. There’s nothing to compare.

What’s The Film Title That Best Describes Your Life?
I’m going to make that one!