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We are proud to present our 12th annual Filmmaker Summit, two days of roundtable discussions, tech presentations, panels, and networking events that provide past and current BIFF filmmakers with access to the best of the film industry.

Attendees have direct access to the experience and skills of top professionals expanding their understanding of the industry and gaining valuable insights into segments of the film industry beyond their own expertise. From development to distribution, insurance to financing, scheduling to marketing—and including the influence of fields such as social media, new media and mobile platforms—the Summit brings attendees a wider perspective on the entertainment industry.

Thank you to Summit producer Carolyn Lancaster and to our sponsors and hosts, Mary Mott and Gordon Simmering. We could not present the Summit without the participation of the industry professionals who donate their time and expertise. The Filmmaker Summit is dedicated to our dear friend, mentor and inspiration, Douglas Trumbull.

Filmmakers attending the 2022 Filmmaker Summit is made possible with a generous gift from the Frances Davis Fund. Scholarship awards to the Filmmaker Summit were donated by Steve Handel’s family foundation, The Frances Davis Fund in memory of Estelle Davis, his Mother, who really appreciated a good movie.